Group Therapy in

Northwest London

Anna Maratos MA (Oxon) UKCP

People find themselves by helping others find themselves

Warm, honest, illuminating conversations

Conversations that transform lives

Hybrid group 7:30pm Mondays in NW3 and 7:30am Thursdays ONLINE

Hybrid group 7:30pm Mondays in NW3 and 7:30am Thursdays ONLINE


Group therapy is uniquely helpful for people who would like to make impactful shifts in their self-confidence and enjoyment of feeling connected to others . This is a space to slow down and reflect on what is happening internally and around you. In a group you get to see how others experience you and what you do to push people away. It can be challenging but also is a warm and intimate weekly space to grow.

Cross-fit for the soul!

Explore these pages to find out more or contact one of us for a free 1-1 to see if we are a good fit

Your group is your team for personal growth

About Anna

I love working with groups because they are empowering and give hope. Participants report that their group is a high point in their week. Between sessions they find themselves thinking about what occurred in group, as I do

I enjoy seeing people work things out with each other and the rapid insights that come from relating in the here and now rather than recounting a dynamic to a single therapist

Different ‘quick-fix therapies’ are popular these days. The Group Therapy Space is for lasting change

No-one is easy to live with. The only people we think are normal are people we don’t yet know

Alain de Botton

Why join a group?

People seem to need frequent, positive interactions with the same individuals in a framework of caring and concern

Baumeister and Leary (1995) on ‘belongingness’

Group therapy is more affordable than one-to-one psychotherapy, and as effective. Small psychotherapy groups offer a way to

  • gain multiple perspectives on a problem

  • shed light on the past and free yourself from it

  • gain confidence and self-esteem

  • understand and cope with raw emotions and triggers

  • draw strength from being with others

Group therapy helps you make fulfilling relationships with a partner, friends and colleagues

The group is a microcosm of your world and so becomes a space to reflect on how things are

It is also a warm and supportive practice ground for change



Often the struggles we face today in relating to others have deep roots going back to our early childhood. It is popular now to try to manage through mindfulness or cognitive techniques

But the openness and safety of a psychotherapy group give us the confidence to ‘open the box’. We grow to understand and to mourn whatever happened to us, so it no longer ‘triggers’ us. In this way, group therapy helps you make deep changes that resonate far into the future

‘Talking cure’

Any cure-by-talking relies on us putting into words the most difficult aspects of our lives. Sometimes when our emotions are too raw our words ‘go on holiday’. Group therapy brings our words home


People often come to group therapy feeling like they are somehow an outsider, or that they have always felt slightly on the periphery of things. Joining a group repairs this: over time members begin to feel they truly belong in the group. Then, because of the changes in the way they feel about themselves and in the way they relate to others, this translates to their lives outside

You are not alone

We all grapple with distress. Regularly. But many of us hide it, as though revealing our pain will push people away.

In a group you get to realise that the opposite is true: it’s often the hidden details of our vulnerability that allow others in

Close friendships

We all need other people in our lives but getting close to others can be complicated. Group therapy is the most helpful kind of therapy for people who struggle to feel they belong in a close network of friends, colleagues or with a partner


Group therapy is particularly effective at setting us free from emotional burdens that other people might have placed on our shoulders. Are you always accommodating others at the expense of your own needs? Joining a group will help you find a more balanced way of connecting, so your needs are met too